PEACE WITH FRANCE! France has ceded Brittany to us
so they may direct their attentions back towards
Helvetia. Wellington responds, "Am I really so
fearsome that my enemies flee from the sound of my
footsteps?". Barnard answers, "Cherish these
moments while they last, for you will one day be
forced to return to London." Wellington retorts,
"NEVER!" The peace with France is costly, but once
again shrewd English diplomats secure the
requirement that all funds be used to purchase
British goods. British manufacturers are swamped
with French orders for raw materials.
The peace with France has not ended hostilities
with Spain or Piedmont, though the later is
unlikely to pose a danger. Although Spain is quite
a tasty prize, without a single regiment to defend
herself, it is likely that a British invasion
would spark peasant uprisings and cause undue
duress. In any event, any invasion would require a
landing in Galicia and such an expedition will
take time to assemble. Wellington and Barnard are
ordered back onto their ships to return to England
and pick up Barnard's final regiment of Light
French armies move into Ile De France and
Aquitaine; Brittany is threatened
Peace with France: 1000 GOLD
Commercial Treaty with France: 1200 Raw Materials
for 1000 gold
Wellington and Barnard back onto Fleet