The look on Louis' face when I told him that he
was at war with us again was priceless. He is such
a coward. I took a carriage out of Paris to
Orleans and then into Brittany. I crossed the
border and inspected our army as it prepared for
war. Wellington's men had improved our defenses in
Brittany and settled down to defend it. Barnard,
however, was pleased to be going on the offensive
and his men were practicing town assaults in
Southern Brittany. As I left for London, Barnard
crossed the border.
Upon my return to London, I learned that the Danes
had declared war upon Britain in support of
France. Before I could even counsel him against
it, the King paid the Danes a modest sum to avert
war. THIS EXTORTION MUST STOP! One day, I will
relish the total decimation of Denmark and the
recovery of these funds! On the bright side, the
Academy completed their research into Market
Reform and have moved on to Journalism. I had
planned to immediately begin construction on an
Office of Internal Trade Management, but I don’t
want to lock down our treasury reserves as we head
into war.
Denmark DOW England
Research Complete: Market Reform
New Research Topic: Journalism
Barnard into Aquitaine
Peace with Denmark for 530 GOLD
Commercial Treaty with Denmark: 650 Raw Materials
for 550 GOLD