The sky darkened, the rain intensified, and the
winds howled. It was as if the seas new a battle
was to be fought this day and tried to keep the
forces from shedding blood.
Our capitaine looked through his glass to notice
that the Trinidad had already seen action on the
high seas and has been badly damaged as the smoke
billows from her decks. A slightly upturned corner
of his mouth signifies his pleasure of the
situation as he can almost feel the prize money
weighing in his pocket.
The capitaine ordered chain shot be loaded into
the cannon to disable the Trinidad to slow her
down and be boarded.
With the advantage of the wind gauge, the
capitaine ordered the Pluton in a direct line with
the Trinidad and received a face full of round
shot at the bow. Little damage scored as the
Spanish fired their broadside too early and were
now steering larboard to escape our reply. Our
broadside struck home with tremendous accuracy but
did not seem to phase the Trinidad in her sailing
capacity. The capitaine then ordered grape into
the cannons.
This would seem our only victory as our capitaine
then continued to make blunders in his attempts to
close the distance and board the Trinidad.
The two ships circled each other like to fighters
squaring off. Each exchanging shots. The Pluton
receiving the worse of the beatings. The capitaine
was frustrated at his failed attempts to close and
board and so ordered the Trinidad sunk!
The crew groaned as the loaded the cannon with
round shot to end the duel. The Trinidad did not
last long after that final order was given and was
sent to the bottom of the ocean, along with all of
her crew. |