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Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
AAR by joxer31 - French Empire (1789 - 1791)
The newly established French republic is on the verge of collapse from outside and from within. Political pressure applied by monarchies loathe to relinquish their divine right to rule those less fortunate than themselves and from French men whose ambition out ways those of the unemployed and starving. The only unifying factor throughout the country is that everyman is born with a given right to freedom and justice and they will die to defend that belief.
July 1789
The assembly has been called to chart a course for the future of the republic so that it may survive the storm that appears to be incircling the only bastion of freedom from tyranny.

Research: Food Preservation
Construction: Military Academy
Political: Defensive Alliance with: Batavia
Military: All armies recalled to Paris

The assembly feels that the peace of political and military situation allow for the armies to be recalled to Paris and refitted with new uniforms, arms and training so as to assess their fighting ability. Their decision to focus on the infrastructure rather than military or political advances have some worried that France will be unprepared for future conflicts. The construction of military structures does little to appease the apprehension which has gripped the higher brass. The successful conclusion of a defensive alliance with Batavia does improve the mood throughout HQ but with such a weak ally, it will still fall upon their shoulders to bear the burden of conflict.
August 1789
Research: Vaccination
Construction: Rations Warehouse
Military: Capitaine Murat 2 battalions of Militia, Capitaine Soult 1 battalion of Voltigeurs, 2 battalions of Line Infantry

The general assembly is most displeased with the apparent lack of professionalism demonstrated by the mob which has entered Paris claiming to be the pride of the French army. They quickly re-organize the army to their satisfaction but to the grumbles of the common soldier. They are however optimistic about the new military academy which will draw the cream of military elite to lead their army.
September 1789
Research: Vaccination
Construction: Rations Warehouse
Political: British sloop spotted
Military: Sloop Pluton ordered to Bay of Biscay

The coast watchers brigade has spotted what appears to be the British sloop Temeraire in the Bay of Biscay. In response to these reports, the Pluton has been ordered to Biscay to protect the harbour from the British fleet which has begun a patrol of the Atlantic. Moralte plummets in the army as they remain in barracks training for a war they feel will never come as Europe remains at peace.
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
Commandos Imperial Glory Praetorians Eidos Pyro Studios
October 1789
Research: Circular Saw

The assembly still feels that the prudent course of research is to develop the infrastructure rather than invest precious research funds into other ventures. With the completion of Vaccination, doctors look for "volunteers" to be a trial set to test their new product. 2500 souls volunteered to take part in the trial and were richly rewarded for their efforts with a nice pine box and 6x8 plot of earth from which no person can ever take from them.
November 1789
Research: Circular Saw
Political: Spanish sloop spotted

The crew of the Pluton were in a tizzy as a mast was spotted on the horizon which was a welcome change from the monotony of their duties. The Spanish sloop Monarca was saluted as the two ships passed each other in the Straits of Gibraltar. The warm blanket of peace wraps its arms around Europe as the calm remains and the great armies sleep.
December 1789
Research: Basic Education

With Christmas soon arriving, the army was given a generous 2 week furlough from duty to spend with their families as the political attitude remains one of peaceful discourse between France and her neighbours. The military commanders however are still apprehensive as the assembly still refuses to acknowledge the need to improve the army's fighting ability with new weapons or more troops.
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